The dust has settled on another fine evening of brain teasing. Nine teams of the very best Guernsey's media has to offer gathered at the Guernsey Yacht Club for a titanic stuggle over six rounds of questions, each more fiendishly difficult than the last...
The big winners on the night were 'The Yoga Ravers' from Channel TV, whose team of Tamara Timothy, Andy Will, Rob Moore and Alice Humphrey walked away with the coveted (and all new) Orchard PR Media Quiz trophy:
Other honourable mentions go to 'The Gadaffi Ducks' from GBG Magazine with an assortment of Guernsey's freelancers, who came second and 'Hardcore Prawn' from the Guernsey Press, who came third. Orchard PR's very own 'Quizzee Rascals' came in a very honourable fourth.
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