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The surprising things Harry learnt during his internship at Orchard

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Orchard Intern Harry

What is the most surprising thing about interning at Orchard?  

Aside from how seriously they take hot drink making, I discovered Orchard offers a 'Work From Home Allowance', where the team can work from home on certain days. In addition, everyone works from home on Fridays, called 'Focus Fridays', where they're encouraged to tackle significant tasks with fewer distractions. Flexing your working hours is also possible, so some start and finish early and vice versa.  

What is the most interesting thing about interning at Orchard?  

The variety. I've been asked to write social media posts for clients and research projects, construct media lists, and actively participate in meetings. Every day has been different! 

What core skills will you take away from your time at Orchard? 

Writing, creative thinking and data analysis. I've also improved my conversational skills through phoning clients. By jumping in at the deep end and starting my internship calling clients, I developed my confidence on the phones to the point where I now prefer phoning clients to emailing them. 

Best hot drink maker? 

Although every drink I've had has been top-notch, my desk partner, Eva, is the best hot drink maker. I hope I haven't offended the rest of the team! 

What didn't you know about PR that you do now? 

I didn't know the amount of data analysis that went into PR. Every social media post and news release is monitored and recorded in a system where the data is accumulated and analysed to determine performance. This process includes percentages, graphs, statistics, and tables; analytical skills are vital for PR. 

Which three words to describe going to work all day, every day? 

 Rewarding, invigorating, productive. 

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