Gather all of Guernsey’s media in a brewery full of free beer, throw in winning titles to defend, a good dose of banter and a whole load of ‘Embargos’ (more on those later!) - it can only be the return of the Orchard Media Quiz! We were back with a bang (and copious amounts of pizza) last Thursday.
As the newest shiny apple in the Orchard, it fell to me with the help of the junior team to organise this highly regarded event which (at least one journalist has told us) is the ‘highlight of the year’ in the media’s calendars. After suffering a two-year pandemic-related hiatus, we knew we had to make this quiz one to remember.
The Little Big Brew Co was our venue of choice and it seemed only fitting to serve up our own version of the much-loved home brew ‘Nigel’, and so ‘Embargo’ was born! “More refreshing than a politician responding to a media enquiry, and as robust as an Orchard-written press release” – the copy on the bottle read and they certainly went down a treat with our media friends.

Historically, the trophy has been claimed many times by the powerhouse quiz heads at BBC Guernsey, however this year it was the Guernsey Press’ turn to raise the trophy. It was a close race, with Bailiwick Express taking an early lead, but we made sure they were all put through their paces on the events of the last 12 months, with rounds including politics, science and technology, entertainment and sport.
It was our bonus round that really brought the friendly competition to a head – who could pull the best pint? Well, we were in a brewery after all! All the teams stepped up to the plate and performed fantastically here, but it was the Guernsey Press who perfected the technique, as judged by the bar staff.

Once the pizza was devoured (many thanks to Otto – absolutely delicious) and the last pint pulled, it was prize giving time. Not only did the winners receive our coveted Orchard trophy, they were also presented with limited edition Orchard-branded pint glasses and a specially commissioned Little Big Brew Co print from Guernsey Pubs to mark the return of the quiz.
All in all, my first experience of an Orchard Media Quiz was a head-first, full-throttle, buzzing adventure from start to finish. Meeting all the faces I have heard and read about was a true pleasure and getting them all together in one room at the same time, a rarity. Building meaningful, genuine connections, has always been a key value of mine, and getting to do that in a fun, social environment was even better yet. Now the hangovers have settled, and John Fernandez is slowly coming to grips with 3rd place, there’s only one question left to ask – when can I start planning next year’s quiz?

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